About the Author


Doug has arduously paved the path of creativity for over forty years. His most treasured aspect of his work is his problem-solving methodology, which is not only revolutionary in its scope, but also customizable in its intent. With his two books on creative problem-solving, he offers steps to free your mind and energize your sense of purpose regardless of your field or enterprise.


For those already in the creative trenches, we recommend that you read Conquering the Chaos of Creativity first to find a path for solving your creative problems, whether they be analytical, psychological, or philosophical. This will give you a fundamental understanding of the interconnected whole of creativity you can use to create a personalized creative method that will build essential problem-solving awareness.

For beginners in the creative process, Doug’s recommendation is that you kickstart your process with Inspirations of Creativity, each of Doug’s seven creative foundations giving you a spark. After the spark is ignited, you can turn to Conquering the Chaos of Creativity to explore more, gradually developing a personal method for problem-solving that can take you anywhere.